Carrier, by Jared Anderson

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
To preach good news to the poor
To bind up the broken-hearted
To make You known even more
So that people living in darkness
Will see the great light

I'll be the carrier of love and compassion
I'll be the carrier of light to the world
I'll be the carrier of hope and salvation
I will go shine Your light to the world

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
Freedom and truth to proclaim
Trade your ashes for the oil of gladness
And your sorrows for garments of praise

Here am I send me, send me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Speak to Nations

There is a little boy in Eastern Europe whose future appears to be in the hands of one judge, one prosecutor, and one supreme court ruling.  That one judge denied him the right to live when she declared he would be better off spending his days on earth in a mental institution, rather than in the loving arms of a Christian family.  Why?  Because he has Down Syndrome...  Why?  Because she has been deceived...  Why?  Because we are living amidst a spiritual war unlike anything we have ever seen, a war for the hearts of man. 

This is Kirill

Who will go for him?  Who will go to the corners of the earth for him, and proclaim that Christ is King, that he is free, and that he is loved?  God has sent the Davis family to go for Kirill!  They have gone to the corners of the earth to proclaim his freedom, and have been turned away.  After two trips to Kirill's country, countless hours, days, and months of paperchasing, and a hefty ransom paid...their petition to adopt him was denied.   

But they are proclaiming that Christ is King, that His Kingdom is coming near, that strongholds will be broken, that powers of darkness must flee, and that Kirill shall be free!  They are appealing in the Supreme Court to bring their son home.  They have remained compassionate towards the judge and prosecutor who told them their son was not worthy of being loved.  They are praying that God will perform a mighty work in their hearts, that God will reveal the truth about Kirill; that he is precious, that he is worthy, that he is loved, that he has infinite potential in this world, that he has much to offer, that he will be safe in their arms...that he deserves to be free.  Click HERE to read their story and hear their pleas for their son's freedom.

Kirill's story isn't just about Kirill though.  A precedent is being set by the decision in his case.  No child with Down Syndrome has ever been adopted out of this region.  But there are two more families that are in the process of trying to adopt children from the same region where Kirill is, who must face the same court, the same judge, and the same prosecutor.  So the consequences of his case are far reaching, and the lives of many other children hang in the balance.


God has sent the Hooks family to go to the same region for Eva, and in a matter of days they will stand before the same judge and plead for her freedom.  They have already traveled to meet her, they have already fallen in love with her, they have already promised to come back for her.  They too are praying for God to move mightily in the judge and prosecutor's hearts!

 Baby J

For Baby J, God has sent the Moreno family.  They just traveled to meet her last week, and oh how they fell in love!  But their hearts were torn apart as they said goodbye to her, not knowing what the future may hold for her, or their family.  They waited 19 long months to meet her, only to be told the same judge may deny their plea to adopt her.  I truly cannot imagine the anguish.

So no, this isn't just about Kirill.  But it isn't just about Eva and Baby J either.  What is happening in their country, and many others as well, is about the battle being fought for the hearts of all men.  We as believers must stand together, in Christ, and speak His truth to the nations.  We must stand for the freedom of His precious children, who are being held captive in EVERY nation.  Satan has used a mighty force of deception to cause people to believe that these children are not worthy of being loved, that they have nothing to offer, that they must be hidden away, out of sight, out of arm's reach.  He has deceived the nations into believing that these "special needs" children are not worthy of adoption.  But the truth is being revealed, one child at a time, and his deception is being exposed.  Testimony after testimony of how these children are thriving in loving homes bears witness to God's mighty power to save, to His unfailing love for all His sons and daughters, whom He has already adopted!!  (Over the last five years Reece's Rainbow alone has aided in bringing 500 of these special children home!)

The Davis family has asked that we spread their story, and spread His word to bring freedom to His children.  So I ask you to stand with them in prayer, in His Word, and in faith.  Please pray with compassion of everyone involved:  the judge and prosecutor, Kirill, Eva, Baby J, the Davis, Hooks, and Moreno families, and for all His precious children in captivity.  The truth is that their future does not lie in the hands of any judge or court, it lies in the hands of our almighty Father, the one and only true Judge!

I leave you with the lyrics to the song "We Speak to Nations"--as I believe they are powerful "marching orders" as we walk into battle for these children.

Hear the sound
The sound of the nations calling
Hear the sound
The sound of the fatherless crying
Who will go for us?
Who will shout to the corners
Of the earth
That Christ is King?
[ Lyrics from: ]
We speak to nations
Be open
We speak to nations
Fall on your knees
We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you
Oh we speak to strongholds
Be broken
Powers of darkness
You have to flee

We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you
We speak to you
Be free, be free!

Hear the sound
The sound of the nations worshipping
Hear the sound
Of sons and daughters singing
We will go for you
We will shout to the corners of the earth
That Christ is King
Let the chains be broken
Let Him set you free
In His holy name be free

Monday, March 21, 2011

Waiting Children in Bulgaria and Taiwan

The Lord has been doing quite a work in my life, and I am anxiously awaiting His words to share all that has been taking place here.  I apologize for the lack of posts recently, I simply haven't had the words!  But in the meantime, I have some new waiting children to share with you!  

Below are the bios of several waiting children from Bulgaria and Taiwan.  They are all absolutely precious, and beloved in the eyes of their Father in Heaven.  I pray they find His love in the arms of a mother and father here on earth, to wipe away each tear, and heal the wounds of an orphan's heart.  I pray that His love will carry them through until that day comes.  I cannot post their photos online, so if anyone would like more information or would like to see their sweet sweet faces, leave a comment below and I will email you, or contact Stephanie at Lifeline Adoptions


Grant – DOB January 19, 2006
This adorable little boy needs a family to love him. He was diagnosed with infantile cerebral palsy but the latest reports show him to be doing very well. He has well developed fine motor skills and he has been walking on his own since he has been 2 years and 4 months. He does have a bilateral hernia and strabismus in his left eye. He is listed as having satisfactory physical development. He is very precious and he needs his family.

Kayden – DOB September 29, 2003
This precious little boy has been diagnosed with Down Syndome. He is 6 years old and likes to seek the attention of adults who care for him. He has severe mental lagging behind and he at times will interact with other children. It is also currently recommended that he be on a Gluten free diet. He really needs a family to love him!

Micah – DOB June 5, 2007
This precious little 3 year old really needs his family! He is stated to have moderate mental lagging behind and also has epilepsy. His speech is lacking. He does seek contact with known adults and likes to be cuddled. Please contact us for more information on this precious child.

Stephanie – DOB August 8, 2006
This precious 4 year old is very beautiful. She was born prematurely to a drug addicted mother. Although she does lag behind in her development she does attend a public pre-school. She is very sensitive and will bond to certain people. Please contact us if you would like more information on this precious child. She needs her family!


Kao-Wen sibling group of 4, ages 3-10 yrs.
Their developments are within normal limits.
The four children are
 Cheng , boy, DOB: 2001/07/23
 Sung-  girl, DOB: 2003/07/25  
 Ching - boy, DOB: 2004/09/15
 Chieh - boy, DOB: 2007/12/12

Mark--DOB 09/02/2009
Mark has had some issues with neonatal abstinence syndrome; epilepsy and microcephaly. He was expected to no longer need any medication for epilepsy in November 2010. Currently he is suspected to have some developmental delay in motor development and will need follow up for auditory and visual functions. He was on a feeding tube for 5 months but that was removed in February of 2010.  He is ADORABLE!!

Christopher C. age 3 – DOB January 19, 2008
This precious little boy needs a family all his own. He is so very special and is as cute as can be. He is currently three years old and we have a very adorable photo of him riding a little child''s bike. He has visual impairment in his right eye (suspected child abuse) and surgery was perfomed in June of 2010. He also has been noted to have mild physical disability and has it noted that since an MRI he has a right cerebral schizencephaly and parital absence of the septum pellucidum. He would be such a blessing to a family! If you would like more information please contact us! Files and photos are available!

Please join me in prayer for these beloved children of the Lord, and if God so moves in your heart, please contact me or Stephanie for more information!

Many blessings!